Posted by Suhas on July 30, 2010 ·
Now, I am on a shared hosting with limited bandwidth. When I was in Blogger, I didn’t have to worry about space and most particularly bandwidth. Blogger would automatically post my pictures to Picasa albums. Picasa albums provides us with 1 GB space and unlimited bandwidth. Yea, you heard it right, unlimited! And guess what, its free!
In a blog, images take up the most bandwidth. You might save [...]
Posted by Suhas on June 27, 2010 ·
Migrating from Blogger to WordPress was fun! Getting the thumnails working was one problem though. Thanks to TimThumb Beta script, this problem is s-o-l-v-e-d.
You ask me what what’s new with TimThumb beta? By, default wordpress doesn’t make thumbnails of offsite images. This script can make thumbnails (server side resizing) of offsite images. And…don’t worry, no one can misuse [...]