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How to get reverse SSH access to a Linux Machine behind NAT

My friend wanted access to a computer at college because he was working on his college project where they had to create a cloud farm using OpenStack. He wanted to work from home (that is one of the perk if you are a software person). The computer was behind the college NAT. So, doing something like this would need the SysAdmin and presumably a convoluted process. I found this nice remote forwarding [...]
WordPress WXR file splitter for Mac OS X

WordPress WXR file splitter for Mac OS X

I had been looking for a WordPress WXR (WordPress eXtended RSS) export file splitter as some hosts has limits over the upload file size limit and at times, I don’t get root access to edit the PHP.ini to lift the limits. Windows has a neat little tool that helps people split WXR export files. Sadly, at the time of this writing, none seems to be available [...]
Open Sourcing @pushmail – An email app on SMS

Open Sourcing @pushmail – An email app on SMS

Hi all, I’m open sourcing my txtweb app @pushmail – An app that’ll send push email notifications via SMS. What is @pushmail It is an SMS app on the platform with which users can get instant email notifications via SMS. If they choose to, they can read full emails and reply to them. The user just has to setup a simple email forwarder. The “I [...]
txtGPS – GPS navigation on SMS (without data plan)

txtGPS – GPS navigation on SMS (without data plan)

txtGPS is a GPS navigation system that works on SMS. So, you can use it without a Data plan i.e the internet. Might get you out of a tight spot (or you are just are just as cheap as me :D).   As you all know, GPS is free and Data plan is not. This app basically gets the GPS coordinates and sends a text message to’s number to fetch the navigation directions.   As of now, it perfectly [...]
[DIY] Kinect AC Power Adapter / Connector for the Old Xbox 360

[DIY] Kinect AC Power Adapter / Connector for the Old Xbox 360

I bought a Kinect recently (got it shipped from the US) to find out that, it needed an AC adapter for my Original Xbox 360. The original one costs $49 but the problem is, we don’t get it here in India :(. Well, I could make my own in under Rs. 20 (50 cents). All you need is: Soldering Iron, soldering flux and the lead wire Hot glue gun Shielded USB Cable (I got mine from a mobile transfer cable) 12V [...]
What are RAMs? DDR2 vs DDR3 Explained

What are RAMs? DDR2 vs DDR3 Explained

We read about DDR2, DDR3 RAMs and such, given in every computer/laptop configuration. But have we ever bothered to find out what it actually means? Many people brag about having 8 – 16 GB RAMs but in fact very few people know what exactly it does. We generally seem to think that higher the RAM,  greater the speed. Actually, with emerging new technologies, that’s not necessarily the case. * Like [...]
How to manage emails with SMS

How to manage emails with SMS

You just might the kind of person who gets a lot of emails and you found out that using mobile Internet each and every time you want to check your mail, isn’t quite helping your mobile bills either. But now, you have no need to worry, as you’ll soon find out how to get them via SMS. You just have to follow some few easy steps and you’re good to go. This would be impossible without [...]
PC Game Review – Minecraft

PC Game Review – Minecraft

One of the awesome game ever made! Why is it so good?? Why is it so popular even though it doesn’t have ANY graphics?? Well read on and find out! It starts of with a bright day, you are dumped on a random generated map!! The maps are infinite( That’s right! It keeps rendering more as you keep traveling! :D) Well, the game name says only a part about the game, that is you can mine! There is lot [...]
[Fix] Computer boots up only after reset / restart

[Fix] Computer boots up only after reset / restart

I had this problem When I press the power button the first time, it does POST but does not detect my IDE hard drive. Then, it does not boot saying “no boot device” blah blah After this, when I press reset (or quickly press the power button, twice), it detects my hard drive. So, my computer boots up my hard drive (Windows XP or whatever). So, technically, the hard drive boots with a soft [...]
[DIY] Stereo input for the Sony Ericsson Portable Speakers

[DIY] Stereo input for the Sony Ericsson Portable Speakers

My mum wanted a portable speaker for her iPod (She’s obsessed with this article about headphones being bad for her ears). I had almost ordered the xMini speakers when I remembered I already had a portable speaker from my Sony Ericsson W810i. It didn’t have a stereo (3.5 mm) port, just the Sony Ericsson connector. If you follow my blog, you’ll know that I’m the cheapest ass in town :D. I soldered [...]
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