Posted by Suraj on January 20, 2011 ·
Hey! It took me a while to figure out that Linux is in fact the best OS for a non-gamer like me. And whenever I DO login Windows, even by mistake, I am greeted by a slew of viruses and a painfully slow speed. 😮
So I figured I should do even my C programming on Linux. It was there in my coursework from college you know!
There are two ways in which you can program in C in Linux:
1) Use an IDE (Integrated [...]
Posted by Suraj on July 21, 2010 ·
Have you ever suffered from having an old computer, or a faulty CD/DVD drive? If yes, then even a doctor would would know enough to tell you that you need to replace it. And fast.
That’s when I decided to replaced my old CD-ROM (can you believe it?) with a brand new DVD-RAM. B)
Its not a difficult thing to do, all you need to do is have a small star screwdriver. This is actually the easiest [...]
Posted by Suraj on June 20, 2010 ·
There is only one reason why linux has not been able to replace windows entirely: the applications!
Windows applications let you do things that you can do only on windows, not linux. To break out of that shell, a few Linux enthusiasts started the so-called “Wine” project.
That’s a software that is supposed to be an attempt to do the same that is; run windows apps on Linux, Solaris, [...]