Archive : linux

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How to get reverse SSH access to a Linux Machine behind NAT

My friend wanted access to a computer at college because he was working on his college project where they had to create a cloud farm using OpenStack. He wanted to work from home (that is one of the perk if you are a software person). The computer was behind the college NAT. So, doing something like this would need the SysAdmin and presumably a convoluted process. I found this nice remote forwarding [...]

How to install Ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu using RVM

Here’s a quick snippet to install Ruby on your Ubuntu system. RVM = Awesomeness! login as single user, not root. bash -s stable < <(curl -s ) echo '[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM function' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc Check [...]

Get FTP server running on Ubuntu, quick and easy [vsftpd]

If you are new to linux this might be a little difficult. Once you have some basics nailed, its super easy. Here’s how to get it working without worrying about usergroups etc etc. I just wanted to get it working with my WordPress setup (Apache). First, install vsftpd sudo apt-get install vsftpd Configure your installation. sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf or sudo vi /etc/vsftpd.conf You need to have [...]
[How to] Program on Linux using gcc

[How to] Program on Linux using gcc

Hey! It took me a while to figure out that Linux is in fact the best OS for a non-gamer like me. And whenever I DO login Windows, even by mistake, I am greeted by a slew of viruses and a painfully slow speed. đŸ˜® So I figured I should do even my C programming on Linux. It was there in my coursework from college you know! There are two ways in which you can program in C in Linux: 1) Use an IDE (Integrated [...]

How to set root password in Ubuntu 10.04 su

By default, the root password is not set. You can set it easily. 1) Go to Applications –> Accessories –> Terminal. 2) And enter sudo passwd root 3) You’ll get a password prompt. Set the pasword.. To login as root. su
Cool Windows softwares now on Linux!

Cool Windows softwares now on Linux!

In the post about running windows apps on Linux, my friend Suraj had told us about the software Wine and its ability to run Windows apps on linux. But wait, how would it be if those popular windows software have got their own Linux versions? Yes,they do! Many software developers like Google and Adobe, noticing the increase in number of Linux users, have released their products for Linux platform! And [...]
Run Windows applications on Linux

Run Windows applications on Linux

There is only one reason why linux has not been able to replace windows entirely: the applications! Windows applications let you do things that you can do only on windows, not linux. To break out of that shell, a few Linux enthusiasts started the so-called “Wine” project. That’s a software that is supposed to be an attempt to do the same that is; run windows apps on Linux, Solaris, [...]
Increase Typing Speed, Comfort with Dvorak Keyboard Layout

Increase Typing Speed, Comfort with Dvorak Keyboard Layout

QWERTY is the most used Keyboard layout in the world. It was designed to minimize typebar clashes in a typewriter. Now, in the computer age, we are still using the old design instead of the new and improved design – The Dvorak Simplified Keyboard. This layout has better ergonomics, reduces fatigue, increases typing speed etc (More Info). As a matter of fact, you can also type with one finger! But, [...]
Install Linux on your USB Flash Drive

Install Linux on your USB Flash Drive

Yes! You can do this. I had my hard drive broken for some days. So, for the time being I used this to browse the Internet etc. VERY handy tool. 1) Download this file. 2) Extract the contents to your flash drive. 3) Double click on ‘makeboot.bat’. This make your flash drive bootable. 4) Restart and you are good to go. Login and passwords:User: root password: root User: guest password: [...]
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